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Diving Legend Other individuals when you look at the Serenity Diving Instructor

Diving Legend Other individuals when you look at the Serenity Diving Instructor
Diving Legend
Gary Cooper, their spouse Rugged with his after that teen age daughter were pioneer scuba divers and you may people in your neighborhood plunge tribe.
Sam Miller III
It was Gary Cooper (aka Coop) and possibly their spouse Rocky whom developed the concept of the fresh new backpack in about 1957. Coop and i also strongly believe Rugged wanted particular method of cure the bands and bands preferred to this era regarding plunge and therefore cluttered this new patio out of their watercraft. A single back pack that will be rapidly similar that have exposed tank was the clear answer. He contacted Charlie Sturgil, a name unknown to the majority of divers now but so you can divers from that day and age he was better-known and you may certainly a whole lot more recognized than just Cousteau. …

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